To our valued clients,
The past eighteen months have been an incredibly challenging time for all of us; and in our case personally we faced down the loss of Everett together. We wanted to let each of our clients know how much we have appreciated your endurance and understanding during this time and we well know that you were grieving too. To all of you who reached out to us personally, we are so grateful for your kind words and your encouragement which helped us get through this period.
We have been messaging for some months that we would have an exciting announcement – and this day has now arrived! We are very pleased to announce that on December 1, 2021 we are joining forces with a sister Porter Hétu International firm – Ascend LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants. Many of you will be familiar with this firm because they have been colleagues of ours forever, or you may have had the pleasure of working with them already if you had a particular need that we could not meet within the local office. Dawn will also continue in her capacity as a partner managing the Almonte location and serving her existing client base. Importantly, all of our existing staff will be here to serve you moving forward.
We are particularly excited about this change because it means that we will have more partners and staff available to assist you with your requirements; it will offer important stability and continued service in our community, and will provide a means of assisting you more directly . Vitally, it will also provide back-up to the Almonte staff who has worked yeoman hours this past year.
We also want to take this time to address our US clientele. This past tax season we were able to pull together a team that helped us get through the filing requirements but it wasn’t always perfect – and it did not meet the service levels that you were ordinarily accustomed to. This is why we are particularly delighted to tell you we are set to return to our previous service standards with resources at our Almonte, and other locations. We are confident that we can not only handle your US filing requirements but welcome your referrals once again!
Today we express our gratitude to you, for your patronage, for your patience, and for your continued faith in us as we walked through this very difficult period in our history. Our thanks to you doesn’t seem sufficient, but do know that it is heartfelt.
In the coming days you will see our email/logo/signage/website change over to the Ascend branding! If you have any questions at all please do reach out – we would love to speak to you! We will also follow up on this communication with an introduction to our other ‘new’ partners.
For ALL clients who use the private client portal, this service will be migrating from our CCH to a Microsoft Sharepoint site effective immediately. The systems are very similar in terms of navigation logic and ease of use. Please standby for further information the new system coming from our Office Manager, Angela Rogers.
The ‘former’ Colby McGeachy team